code of conduct

Principle: a rule or belief governing one’s personal behavior.

National Standards and Principles

This page sets the code of conduct expected of all 13% Nationals and is a condition of membership. It applies to all members, irrespective of their membership type, the role they fulfill, or the jurisdiction in which they live or work.

Being a 13% National comes with a great responsibility for members to commit to ethical standards that promote the goal of transforming our community and society at large for the better.
13%’s Membership Code of Conduct embody aspirational ethical standards for its members.  While adherence to the aspirational ethical standards is not easily measured, conducting themselves in accordance with these ethical standards is an expectation that 13% members have of themselves as Nationals. Among the aspirational ethical concepts which this Membership Code of Conduct embraces are those of respect, responsibility, fairness, and honesty.

  • Respect: Respect is demonstrating a high regard for one’s self, others, and the resources entrusted to them. Those resources may include people, money, reputation, the safety of others, and natural or environmental resources. An environment of respect engenders trust, confidence, and performance excellence by fostering mutual cooperation — an environment where diverse perspectives and views are encouraged and valued.
  • Responsibility: Responsibility is taking ownership for the decisions one makes or fails to make, the actions one takes or fails to take, and the consequences that result.
  • Fairness: Fairness is making decisions and acting impartially and objectively. A member’s conduct must be free from competing self-interest, prejudice, and favoritism.
  • Honesty: Honesty is understanding the truth and acting in a truthful manner both in one’s communications and in one’s conduct.

Additionally, 13% Nationals must answer the calls for truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. Below are daily affirmations which shall guide our members’ moral compass.


1. I honour virtue

2- I benefit with gratitude

3- I am peaceful

4- I respect the property of others

5- I affirm that all life is sacred

6- I give offerings that are genuine

7- I live in truth

8- I regard all altars with respect

9- I speak with sincerity

10- I consume only my fair share

11- I offer words of good intent

12- I relate in peace

13- I honour animals with reverence

14- I can be trusted

15- I care for the earth

16- I keep my own council

17- I speak positively of others

18- I remain in balance with my emotions

19- I am trustful in my relationships

20- I hold purity in high esteem

21- I spread joy

22- I do the best I can

23- I communicate with compassion

24- I listen to opposing opinions

25- I create harmony

26- I invoke laughter

27- I am open to love in various forms

28- I am forgiving

29- I am kind

30- I act respectfully of others

31- I am accepting

32- I follow my inner guidance

33- I converse with awareness

34- I do good

35- I give blessings

36- I keep the waters pure

37- I speak with good intent

38- I praise the Goddess and the God

39- I am confident

40- I achieve with integrity

41- I advance through my own abilities

42- I embrace the All